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General Botanical Survey and Habitat Mapping

A general botanical survey would document all plant species seen during the survey by scientific and common name following current Jepson eFlora nomenclature. Habitat mapping can be conducted for the site with species lists for each habitat (i.e. oak woodland, grassland, riparian, etc.). A more detailed vegetation map can be developed following "A Manual of California Vegetation" (Sawyer, Keeler-Wolf, and Evens) with GPS polygons for each alliance.

Rare Plant Surveys

Johanna and David have surveyed for a wide variety of rare plants and both are authorized by California Department of Fish and Wildlife to collect voucher specimens of State-listed endangered, threatened, and rare plants. Some of the rare plants they have observed in the field include: Lompoc yerba santa, Pismo clarkia, La Graciosa thistle, beach spectaclepod, beach layia, surf thistle,  seaside bird's-beak, San Bernardino mountain gilia, Coachella Valley milkvetch, and many more.

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Native Tree Inventory / Tree Protection Plan

An inventory of the native tree species, number, location, diameter at breast height, canopy cover, and health of trees on-site can be developed.  A Tree Protection Plan can also be developed to help protect sensitive and/or native trees such as the coast live oak, minimize impacts, and mitigate for impacts to protected trees. Mitigation may include a tree replacement plan or restoration plan.