U.S Fish and Wildlife Listed Species

Tidewater Goby (E) - Recovery Permit
Steelhead - south/central California coast DPS (T)
Steelhead - southern California DPS (E)
California Tiger Salamander (T)
Arroyo Toad (E)
California Red-legged Frog (T) - Recovery Permit
Desert Tortoise (T)
Blunt Nosed Leopard Lizard (E) - Level 2 Surveyor
Snowy Plover (T)
California Least Tern (E)
Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (T)
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (E) - Recovery Permit
Least Bell’s Vireo (E) - Recovery Permit
California Gnatcatcher (T) - Recovery Permit
San Joaquin Kit Fox (E)

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Listed Species

California Tiger Salamander (T)
Desert Tortoise (T)
Blunt Nosed Leopard Lizard (E/FP) - Level 2 Surveyor
Swainson’s Hawk (T)
Golden Eagle - nesting (FP)
White-tailed Kite (FP)
Peregrine Falcon (FP)
California Least Tern (E)
Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (E)
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (E) - Recovery Permit
Least Bell’s Vireo (E) - Recovery Permit
Belding's Savannah Sparrow (E)
San Joaquin Kit Fox (T)
Nelson's Antelope Squirrel (T)

California Species of Special Concern

Steelhead - south/central California coast DPS 
Steelhead - southern California DPS 
Coast Range Newt 
Western Spadefoot 
Arroyo Toad
Southwestern Pond Turtle 
Coast Horned Lizard 
Silvery Legless Lizard
Two-striped Garter Snake
Snowy Plover
Burrowing Owl
California Spotted Owl
California Gnatcatcher

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Bird of Conservation Concern

Swainson’s Hawk
Golden Eagle - nesting
Peregrine Falcon
Snowy Plover
Burrowing Owl
California Spotted Owl
Allen's Hummingbird - nesting
Nuttal's Woodpecker - nesting